
About Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act is a law which gives the public the right to access information held by public bodies, like us. For more information about the Freedom of Information Act, visit the website of the Information Commissioner's Office.

Your right to information

Anyone can request information from us. There are no restrictions on age, nationality or where you live. Your request may be handled under different regulations depending on the kind of information that you ask for, such as the:

We may refuse your request if the cost of fulfilling the request is too high, the information is readily available elsewhere or the information falls within scope of an exemption, see the make an Freedom of Information (FOI) request section for more information.

Freedom of Information search

Content has changed: Showing 46 - 54 of 918 results

FOI request seeking correspondence relating to the following: Arron Banks, Leave.EU, Better for the Country Ltd, Rock Services, the Commission's referral of Arron Banks to the National Crime Agency, and the settlement agreement reached between the Commission and Arron Banks and Liz Bilney.

Subject: Regulatory and enforcement activity

28 Jul, 2022

FOI Internal Review request seeking a review of the Electoral Commission's response to FOI 050-22.

Subject: Electoral Commission statistics

29 Jul, 2022

FOI Internal Review request seeking a review of the Electoral Commission's response to FOI 091-18.

Subject: Donations, Referendums

15 Aug, 2018

FOI request seeing correspondence relating to the Croydon mayoral and local elections in May 2022.

Subject: Local elections, Mayoral elections

19 Jul, 2022

FOI request seeking information on the constituencies and home addresses of the candidates in the 2019 UK Parliamentary general election.

Subject: Electoral Commission statistics, UK Parliamentary general election

25 Jul, 2022

FOI request seeking Electoral Commission correspondence mentioning or referring to BBC Spotlight.

25 Sep, 2018

FOI request seeking information on meetings and correpsondence between Sir john Holmes (Electoral Commission Chair) and Sir Mark Sedwill, and between Sir John Holmes and Lord Mark Malloch-Brown.

29 Nov, 2018

FOI request seeking information on the Commission's contact with Russian officials, the European Commission, Dominic Grieve, Manfred Weber MEP, Martin Selmayr, and Guy Verhofstadt.

26 Nov, 2018

FOI request seeking information on the powers od local councils.

8 Jun, 2018