Minutes: Welsh Language Legislation Advisory Group Wednesday 27 June 2018

Minutes: Welsh Language Legislation Advisory Group Wednesday 27 June 2018

Date: Wednesday 27 June 2018

Minutes: Welsh Language Legislation Advisory Group Wednesday 27 June 2018

  • Bronwen Morgan (Ceredigion) – BM
  • Lauren Morrison (Welsh Government) – LM
  • Gareth Evans (Denbighshire) –  GE
  • Gwynne Jones (Anglesey) – GJ
  • Alison O’Hara (Swansea) – AO
  • Sioned Wyn (Electoral Commission) – SW

Minutes of the last meeting and actions

Everyone was happy with the minutes and the actions completed.

The latest on vocabulary

It was agreed that any comments made now should be included and that the document should be revised continuously.

It was noted that Prysg needed to prepare the translation memory version of the vocabulary as soon as possible.

Update on legislation scrutiny

SW noted that the revised forms have been sent to the Cabinet Office and that Eileen Vagg has been working on them.

SW will check the forms before the end of the year, and will contact the Cabinet Office to confirm whether the changes are correct or not.

The next elections in Wales are likely to be the PCC elections - GE suggests that these may be the next forms to be examined.

Revision to the Terms of Reference

Minor changes suggested by SW (typing errors mainly) were agreed.

A number of potential new names were suggested:

  • advisory group on using the Welsh language in legislation
  • advisory group on bilingualism in legislation
  • electoral linguistic advisory group
  • the Electoral Commission's Welsh language advisory group

SW to submit the names to Rhydian Thomas and the Commission's staff in Wales to seek their opinion.

Any other business

It was suggested that the next meeting should be conducted face to face if possible.

Conflicts of interest should be included as a standing item on the agenda from now onwards.

BM to continue as chair for the time being, to be discussed at the next meeting.

Mailmark – Royal Mail has changed the price and delivery method of electoral cards. It is very difficult, if not impossible, for mailmark to work in Welsh/bilingually due to the way it works. BM to contact Royal Mail (via SW) on behalf of the group to ask for an update and the next steps.

Date of next meeting

Possibly before the WECB meeting in September.


  • SW to check the changes to the legislation and confirm them with the Cabinet Office, and keep the group updated
  • SW to discuss the potential new names with the staff of the Commission's office in Wales, and report back to the group.
  • BM to contact Royal Mail for an update on mailmark.