Scottish Parliament Political Parties Panel Minutes: 7 June 2019
Meeting overview
Date: 7 June 2019
Time: 11am to 12:50 pm
Who was at the meeting
Scottish Conservatives:
- Matthew Edmonds (Chair)
Scottish Labour Party:
- Lorna Finlayson
Scottish Green Party:
- John Hardy
Scottish National Party:
- Scott Martin
Scottish Liberal Democrats:
- Paul Moat
Scottish Government:
- Maria McCann (MMcC)
- Rebecca Whyte (RW)
- Penny Curtis
Scottish Boundary Commissions:
- Isabel Drummond-Murray (IDM)
Electoral Management Board for Scotland (EMB):
- Chris Highcock (CH)
Scottish Assessors Association:
- Kate Crawford
The Electoral Commission:
- Alastair Ross, Commissioner
- Andy O’Neill, (AON) Head of Electoral Commission, Scotland
- Martin McKeown, (MMcK) Senior Elections & Campaigners Adviser
- Roisin McDaid, (RMcD) Senior Officer - Political Parties Liaison
Also present:
- Ethan Young, Inclusion Scotland (EY)
- Superintendent Pat O’Callaghan, (POC) Police Scotland
- Chief Inspector Paul Douglas, Police Scotland
- Sergeant Garry Kelly, Police Scotland
Apologies for absence:
- Paul Thomson, Senior Policy Adviser, Scotland Office
- Dame Sue Bruce, Commissioner, Electoral Commission
- Alastair Morgan, Commissioner, Electoral Commission
- Pete Wildman, Scottish Assessors Association
Welcome and introductions, apologies
The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting and invited introductions.
Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Dame Sue Bruce, Alastair Morgan, Pete Wildman and Paul Thomson.
Inclusion Scotland - Update on Access to Politics Charter
EY provided an overview of the Access to Politics Charter that was launched at the Scottish Parliament on 14 June 2018 and was signed up to by leaders and representatives of all five of the political parties represented in the Scottish Parliament.
Following the launch, Inclusion Scotland wrote to the five parties seeking information on what practical steps they had undertaken to take forward the 8 commitments contained in the Charter which aim to address barriers that prevent disabled persons actively participating in politics – including standing for election.
EY provided an update on progress to date. Overall, the results were positive with each party engaging with the Charter and taking steps to recognise and improve their policies and practices for disabled members. Whilst recognising the good work undertaken to date, EY stressed that more could be done and offered to work with political parties and others to push for more representation and involvement from the disabled community.
Minutes of 8 February 2019
The minutes from the previous meeting were approved. There were no actions arising from the meeting.
European Parliamentary Elections
The PPP discussed the delivery of the European Parliamentary Elections (EPEs) in Scotland. The following issues were raised:
- Need for consistent timings on issue of key information to candidates and agents;
- Issues around the experience of EU citizens in trying to vote in the UK;
- Need for making key forms available online in editable formats;
- Possible voter confusions arising from national elections and local by elections occurring in the same timeframe;
- Issues around how overseas electors cast their votes;
- Inability of count agents to undertake sampling when ballot papers are faced down.
- Perceived lack of facilities for parties during the count collation process in Edinburgh.
- Police arrangements for dealing with issues during the poll and tone of advice on candidate and campaigner safety;
- Need for closer liaison between Police and party central offices in the run up to, and during, electoral events;
- Impact of lower campaign spending limits in Scotland;
- Need to consider arrangements for publicising location of polling places on a national basis.
Electoral Management Board (EMB) update
CH advised that the Regional Returning Officer (RRO) for the Scotland Electoral Region, Kenneth Lawrie of Falkirk Council, had overall responsibility for the delivery of the EPEs, assisted by local ROs across Scotland. The EMB took on a coordinating role and assisted the RRO to deliver the poll and collate the result. CH provided an overview of the role played by the EMB during the elections.
Overall the EPEs were delivered successfully but there are always learning points. The short timeframe of the EPEs provided particular problems around staffing. The EMB continues to be aware of the need to strengthen the resilience of the electoral community in Scotland e.g. through mentoring of Returning officers.
CH advised the EMB intended to hold a post event review in early July where lessons for future events will be discussed. He agreed to raise the issues discussed under the previous item of business as appropriate.
Police Scotland update
POC provided the PPP with an overview of the arrangements put in place by Police Scotland during the European Parliamentary elections to co-ordinate responses to any issues around disorder or electoral integrity across Scotland.
In particular he highlighted the role of the Divisional SPOCs in liaising with Returning Officers and their teams. Police Scotland also work closely with the EMB and the Electoral Commission to ensure that SPOCs are trained in their specific roles.
The PPP discussed the need for clarity on how party activists and others could timeously report issues of concern to the Police during elections and the response they should reasonably expect from Police Scotland.
Scottish Government update
MMcC and RW provided the PPP with progress reports in respect of (i) the forthcoming Franchise and Electoral Reform Bills; (ii) preparations for canvass reform in Scotland; (iii) ballot order testing to be undertaken by The Electoral Commission; and (iv) the Referendums (Scotland) Bill.
It was agreed that the PPP be kept informed of future developments in these areas as appropriate.
Scotland Office update
MMcK advised that the Scotland Office would not be represented at the meeting but had produced a written report. He agreed to circulate the report following the meeting.
Scottish Boundary Commission update
IDM provided the PPP with updates on (i) a judicial challenge to the Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland’s proposals for new constituencies; (ii) recruitment of new Boundary Commissioners for Scotland; (iii) progress of Island Council reviews; and (iv) administrative reviews.
Electoral Commission update
The PPP was provided with information on the following areas:
Response to Inquiry on Electoral Law Reform
MMcK advised that the UK Parliament’s Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee had launched an inquiry examining the case for a comprehensive review of electoral law.
The Commission had responded to the call for evidence and a copy of the response was tabled. The response supported the need for simplified and modernised electoral law and confirmed the Commission’s willingness to work with Governments and legislatures to achieve that aim.
MMcC stressed the importance of involving the Scottish Law Commission in any future work to simplify and modernise electoral law.
Ballot Order Testing
AON confirmed that the Commission had been invited by Scottish Government to undertake research to find solutions to the “list order effect” for Scottish Council elections. He provided an overview of the approach being taken to test two alternatives – order by lot and A-Z, Z-A ordering.
Ipsos Mori were engaged to carry out testing with electors and fieldwork would be carried out over summer. The Commission would also be consulting with key stakeholders, including political parties, with a report produced by September.
Codes of Practice
RMcD provided an update on the work being undertaken to produce two Codes of Practice: one on candidate election spending and one on Party spending. The codes were prepared primarily in relation to UK Parliamentary elections. The codes had been re-drafted following the formal consultation that ran in autumn 2018. Copies of these were shared with the PPP.
The Codes would now be finalised, following a roundtable with representatives of the Westminster PPP earlier in the week. The Commission was working to develop similar Codes of Practice for devolved elections in Scotland and Wales.
Date of next meeting
Wednesday 20 November 2019
Action items
Action items | Owner(s) | Deadline |
6 | Chris Highcock | July |
8 | MMcC, RW | Future meeting |
9 | MMcK | ASAP |