Candidate imprints: Scottish Parliamentary elections and council elections in Scotland Share this page: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share on Email Print this page Print full guidance You are in the Candidate imprints: Scottish Parliamentary elections and council elections in Scotland section Candidate imprints: Scottish Parliamentary elections and council elections in Scotland How big must the imprint be? For printed material at Scottish Parliamentary elections, there is a minimum size for imprints. For printed material of size A4 or larger:the type must be at least as big as size 11 Times New Roman without being narrowedthere must be a space between text lines of at least 3mmFor printed material smaller than A4:the type must be at least as big as size 9 Times New Roman without being narrowedthere must be a space between text lines of at least 2mmWe recommend that your imprints are also this size on printed material relating to council elections in Scotland. Last updated: 1 November 2023 Book traversal links for How big must the imprint be? Where do you put the imprint?