
Ynglŷn â Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 

Mae'r Ddeddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth yn gyfraith sy'n rhoi'r hawl i'r cyhoedd weld y wybodaeth a gedwir gan gyrff cyhoeddus, megis ninnau. Cewch ragor o wybodaeth am y Ddeddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth drwy fynd i wefan Swyddfa'r Comisiynydd Gwybodaeth (Yn agor mewn ffenestr newydd). 

Eich hawl i wybodaeth

Gall unrhyw un ofyn am wybodaeth gennym. Nid oes unrhyw gyfyngiadau ar oedran, cenedligrwydd nac o ran ble rydych yn byw. Gellir ymdrin â'ch cais o dan reoliadau gwahanol, yn ddibynnol ar y math o wybodaeth rydych yn gofyn amdano, megis y canlynol: 

Gallwn wrthod eich cais os bydd y gost o gyflawni'r cais yn rhy uchel, os bydd y wybodaeth ar gael yn hawdd yn rhywle arall, neu os bydd y wybodaeth o fewn cwmpas eithriad. Gweler yr adran Gwneud Cais Rhyddid Gwybodaeth am ragor o wybodaeth. 

Chwilio Ceisiadau Rhyddid Gwybodaeth

Content has changed: Yn dangos canlyniadau 10 - 18 o 87

FOI request seeking information on dead voters in the Referendum


22 Gorffennaf, 2016

FOI request seeking correspondence between The Electoral Commission and representatives of Change UK – The Independent Group.

PwncRegister of political parties and third parties

10 Mehefin, 2019

FOI requesting a copy of the constitution and financial scheme for Change UK – The Independent Group.

PwncRegister of political parties and third parties

16 Mai, 2019

FOI request seeking correspondence between The Electoral Commission and representatives of Change UK – The Independent Group.

PwncRegister of political parties and third parties

29 Mai, 2019

FOI request seeking a copy of the constitutions for the Conservative and Unionist Party and the Green Party of England and Wales.

PwncRegister of political parties and third parties

29 Mawrth, 2019

FOI requesting correspondence between the Electoral Commission and English Independence.

PwncRegister of political parties and third parties

29 Mawrth, 2019

FOI request seeking information on how many individuals have been reported (or discovered) for 'double voting' for the 2017 general election.

30 Ionawr, 2019

FOI requesting information about the registration, Officers and constitutions of the Brexit Party and the British Union and Sovereignty Party

PwncRegister of political parties and third parties

1 Ebrill, 2019

FOI request seeking information on ballot papers for EU Referendum

8 Awst, 2016