Restrictions on the use of the information contained in the electoral register and lists of absent voters
The electoral register and lists of absent voters contain people’s personal data and so their use is very carefully controlled.
The register and the absent voting lists can be used to:
help with campaigning
check that donations are permissible
Additionally, candidates at the Mayor of London election can use the register to complete their nomination form.
You must not release to any person any details that appear only in the electoral register and not on the open register which is available for general sale. You must not use the electoral register and lists of absent voters for any other purpose not listed above.1
If copies of the electoral register or lists of absent voters have been supplied to party list candidates and/or campaign workers, they must also comply with the requirements above.
You must ensure that you keep both the electoral register and the lists of absent voters secure.2
Once you no longer need the register and lists of absent voters for any electoral purpose, you should securely destroy any copies supplied to you as a candidate in accordance with the Information Commissioner’s guidelines.
1. Regulations 102 and 108 Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 (RPR 2001)↩ Back to content at footnote 1