Guidance for Candidates and Agents at Greater London Authority elections

Mayoral address booklet

If you are a Mayoral candidate, you have an opportunity to tell voters about yourself and your policies in the Mayoral booklet produced by the Greater London Returning Officer (GLRO). It is called an election address.1 An election address is a campaign statement that a mayoral candidate makes to the electorate to persuade electors to vote for them.

The GLRO will produce a booklet with the election addresses of all candidates who want to be included in it and who have contributed to the production cost of the booklet. The booklet will be sent to all households in London before polling day.

The fee for including an address in the booklet is £10,000. This goes towards printing and distribution costs.
Payment must be made by one of the following:

  • a UK banker’s draft made out to ‘Greater London Authority’
  • electronic funds transfer
  • legal tender (cash in British pounds only). Payments made by cash will be subject to money laundering checks

The GLRO will advice on the deadline for payment to be made for the address to be included in the booklet.

There are strict guidelines on what candidates are permitted to include in their addresses.2 Every address must be signed off by the GLRO before it is accepted for inclusion in the booklet.

More detailed guidelines on Mayoral addresses will be issued by the GLRO and included in the nominations pack.

Last updated: 1 February 2024