Overview of commenting on an application

You can comment on a particular name, description or emblem as part of our assessment process. You must say whether the name, description or emblem does or does not meet the criteria for registration and the reasons why.

When you make your comment, you need to consider the criteria for registration. If you do not refer to one or more of them in your comment, we will not consider it.

Please note: The content of your comments may be disclosed under Freedom of Information requirements. In accordance with data protection principles, your personal data would not be disclosed.

Criteria for registering a party name, descriptions or emblems

We cannot register a name, description or emblem which:

  • is likely to mislead voters
  • is the same as another registered name, description or emblem which is on the same register
  • is the same as a name, description or emblem from a de-registered party which was on the same register and is protected
  • voters might confuse with another party name, description or emblem that is already registered or protected
  • is likely to contradict or hinder voting instructions or guidance given for voting
  • is obscene or offensive
  • contains certain prohibited words
  • is or contains an acronym or abbreviation that is not well known or widely used and not spelt out
  • links in any way to online material or refers to online content
  • contains a reference to a person’s name unless it is a person directly associated with your party
  • has an emblem that contains text which cannot be read at the size emblems appear on ballot papers (2cm square)
  • is longer than six words
  • is not in Roman script (i.e. Latin alphabet)
  • is likely to amount to an offence if published

Submitting your feedback

You can comment on one of our current applications. Our assessment process can have a quick completion time so you need to comment promptly.

Please note: The content of your comments may be disclosed under Freedom of Information requirements. In accordance with data protection principles, your personal data would not be disclosed.

You can submit your comment by:

If you have made a comment, you can see the outcome of the application on Party registration decisions.