Appeals against the removal of an absent vote following a postal vote identifier rejection notice
Any person wishing to appeal must give notice to you within 14 days of the date of your decision to remove their postal vote and must specify the grounds of appeal.1
The date on the rejection notice is deemed to be your decision date.
You must immediately forward the appeal notice to the county court together with a statement:2
of the material facts which have, in your opinion, been established in the case
of your decision upon the whole case, and
upon any point which may be specified as grounds of appeal
If there are several appeals all made on the same or similar grounds, you must inform the court of this to enable the appeals to be consolidated, if appropriate, or alternatively a test case to be selected.
If the appeal is successful, you must add the person’s details to the relevant records and lists.3
1. Regulation 58(1) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 (RPR 2001) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1