Running electoral registration - England

Data collection and reporting

You will be required to provide us with data relating to the operation of the ECR process as soon as practicable after 31 January 2025.1 We will share this data with DLUHC and use it to inform our reporting on these provisions.

The data required will include:2

  • total number of EU citizens who needed to be reviewed in order to determine their eligibility under the new criteria
  • total number of persons who were positively determined via the data-based review – and where, on the basis of that, the elector was sent a confirmation of maintained registration (CMR) (broken down by persons confirmed as qualifying EU citizens, and EU citizens with retained rights)
  • total number of persons whose continued eligibility was determined as a result of the correspondence review and who, on this basis, were sent a CMR (note that this figure will also include those cases where an ERO has made a positive determination on the basis of a re-application from a correspondence-review subject)
  • total number of persons whom the registration officer deemed to be no longer eligible on the basis of the correspondence review and who, on this basis, were sent a confirmation of forthcoming removal (CFR)
  • total number of persons deemed to be ineligible on the basis of non-response to the correspondence review and who, on this basis, were sent a confirmation of ceased registration (CCR).
  • total number of persons who were sent: 
    o    a first review notice 
    o    a second review notice 
    o    a last review notice pending removal 
  • total number of persons to whom the ERO sent a request for further information, following an initial response to the correspondence review.
  • total number of persons who requested a hearing.
  • total number of persons who were initially subject to the ECR provisions but who were, ultimately, reviewed for other reasons (e.g. no longer resident).
  • total number of persons who made a re-application, instead of responding directly to the ECR, and who were determined on that basis.
  • total number of special category electors where the ERO opted to use the declaration renewal cycle in lieu of the ECR review (broken down to persons confirmed as qualifying EU citizens and EU citizens with retained rights).
  • total number of persons registered as either qualifying EU citizens or EU citizens with retained rights as at the end of 31 January 2025 (including persons who applied under the new criteria after the franchise change).

Further information on the process for this data collection will be provided in the EA Bulletin in due course. 

Last updated: 4 January 2024