Scottish Parliament Political Parties Panel Meeting minutes: 20 January 2022

Attendees and apologies

Matt Edmonds, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party (Chair)

Scott Martin, Scottish National Party

Paul Moat, Scottish liberal Democrats

John Hardy, Scottish Green Party

James Kelly, Scottish Labour Party

Maria McCann, Scottish Government

Iain Hockenhull, Scottish Government

James Newman, Scottish Government

Gill Cruickshank, Scottish Government

Chris Highcock, Secretary, Electoral Management Board for Scotland

Jim Doig, Scottish Assessors Association (Vice Chair of Electoral Registration Committee and EMB Member

Hannah Standring, Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland

Rachel Winham, Royal Mail

Scott Forsyth, Royal Mail

Superintendent Darren Faulds, Police Scotland

Sergeant Gary Kelly, Police Scotland

Katy Radford, Electoral Commission, Northern Ireland

Alasdair Morgan, Electoral Commissioner

Andy O'Neill, Head of Electoral Commission, Scotland

Sarah Mackie, Manager, Electoral Commission, Scotland

Martin McKeown, Senior Adviser, Elections & Campaigners, Scotland

Catherine Heggie, Partnerships & Information Officer, Scotland

Lindsey Hamilton, Business Support Officer, Scotland (Minutes)

Dame Susan Bruce, Electoral Commissioner; Pete Wildman, Scottish Assessors Association (Chair of Electoral Registration Committee and EMB member) and Malcolm Burr, Convener The Electoral Management Board for Scotland

Welcome and introductions

Matt Edmonds welcomed those present and apologies were noted. 

Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising

The minutes of the last meeting held on 10 November 2021 were approved and there were no matters arising.