Contact us
Contact your local electoral services team
If you need to contact your local electoral services team, enter your postcode into our search to find their contact details.
They will be able to help with questions about the electoral register, and voting by post or proxy.
We provide information about registering to vote, and publish guidance to help people comply with electoral law. You can also find out more about who we are and what we do.
Before you contact us, check if the information you need is already available on our website by searching for it.
Contacting us
If you have a general question or you’re not sure which team will be able to help, you can contact us:
- online
- by phone on 0333 103 1928
- using British Sign Language via SignLive
- in Scotland, using British Sign Language via Contact Scotland
If you have a question about:
- party registration or registration of other regulated groups, you can email us at [email protected]
- political finance or financial reporting, you can email us at [email protected]
For press and media enquiries, contact our press office:
- by email, to [email protected]
- by phone (only for press and media enquiries) on 020 7271 0704
If you have a recruitment or job vacancy query, you can contact our HR team on 020 7271 0561.
Read our unreasonable behaviour policy.
Our offices and teams
Most of our teams are based at our London office.
3 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8YZ
Telephone: 020 7271 0500 (switchboard)
Textphone: 18001 020 7271 0500
Our office is open, so you can send post, but we'll be able to respond to you more quickly if you email us instead.
For information and requests: [email protected]
If you have completed a postal or proxy vote application form, you need to send it to your electoral services team. Find out more.
Opening hours
Our opening hours are Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.
Our opening hours on Tuesday 18 June and Wednesday 3 July are 9am - 7pm.
Our opening hours on the day of the UK Parliamentary general election, Thursday 4 July, will be 7am - 10pm.
Our English regional teams are based across England. They provide advice and guidance for election candidates and agents, election staff at local councils.
You can contact us:
- by email, to [email protected]
- by phone, on 0333 103 1928
The Electoral Commission in Northern Ireland works closely with the Electoral Office for Northern Ireland (EONI) and represents the views of stakeholders in Northern Ireland.
Please address all post to:
The Electoral Commission, The Boat, 49 Queen's Square, Belfast, BT1 3FG
Please continue to contact us via our email and telephone number:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0333 103 1928
The remit of our office in Scotland includes all elections to the:
- Scottish Parliament
- Scottish local government
- UK Parliament
Having an office in Scotland means we’re able to consider the views of Scottish stakeholders, as well as the procedures and practices that are unique to Scotland.
The Electoral Commission, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1YJ
Our office is open, so you can send post, but we'll be able to respond to you more quickly if you email us instead.
Telephone: 0333 103 1928
If you have completed a postal or proxy vote application form, you need to send it to the Electoral Registration Office for your area. Find out more.
The remit of our office in Wales includes all elections to the:
- Senedd
- Welsh local government
- UK Parliament
Our office in Wales focusses on the issues that affect Wales and ensures Wales is represented in our work.
We are committed to the provision of a bilingual service in Wales, so you can speak to us in English or Welsh if you contact us.
The Electoral Commission, Floor 3, James William House, 9 Museum Place, Cardiff, CF10 3BD
Y Comisiwn Etholiadol, Llawr 3, James William House, 9 Museum Place, Caerdydd, CF10 3BD
Our office is open, so you can send post, but we'll be able to respond to you more quickly if you email us instead.
Tel/Ffôn: 0333 103 1929
[email protected] | [email protected]
If you have completed a postal or proxy vote application form, you need to send it to your electoral services team. Find out more.