Delivering the annual canvass - England

What is the impact on a December election if the final election notice of alteration is published before the revised register?

What is the impact on a December election if the final election notice of alteration is published before the revised register?

In some cases an election in early December will require the final election notice of alteration to be published before the revised register.
Where this is the case the registration application deadline will be the deadline for applications for inclusion on the revised register. This is because the revised register has immediate effect and will apply to any poll on or after publication. 

While the registration application deadline for inclusion on the final election notice of alteration will be twelve working days before the poll, where the revised register is published after the final election notice of alteration potential new electors will be able to submit a registration application until the deadline for inclusion on the revised register (six working days before the determination deadline).

Provided their application is determined by the determination deadline for the revised register (which is the working day before publication) they will be entitled to vote in the poll.

However, potential new electors wishing to vote by post will need to have applied to be registered by the postal vote application deadline which is 5pm eleven working days before the poll as they must state an address at which they are or have applied to be registered in their postal vote application.  

Potential new electors who wish to vote by proxy will have the same registration application deadline as those voting in person. This is because the deadline for registration applications to be made in time to be included on the 1 December register will be before the ordinary proxy application deadline (5pm six working days before the poll).

These circumstances will present a number of administrative challenges for EROs and ROs. If you are not also the RO, you will need to liaise with them to:

  • discuss any practical implications, including the timely transfer of data
  • supply candidates and agents with copies of relevant electoral registers for nomination and campaigning purposes in a timely way
  • make arrangements to supply the first interim notice of alteration and any subsequent updates to candidates and agents as soon as possible once published
  • produce polling station registers after publication of the revised register
  • make arrangements for registers to be printed and collated in a limited time - ROs will need to consider how to manage the preparation of ballot boxes to facilitate this

The specific challenges and solutions will vary depending on local circumstances. If you would like any further guidance or would like to discuss your particular situation, please contact your local Commission team.

Last updated: 15 June 2020