In this edition...

  • 2024 canvass data collection
  • We're hiring! - Scotland Support Officer 
  • Secondment opportunity - performance standards 

2024 canvass: information about collection of electoral registration data  

As you know, each year the Commission collects electoral registration data from Electoral Registration Officers (EROs) following the annual canvass and the publication of the revised electoral registers. This data plays an important role in our reporting on electoral registration in Great Britain and helps us to demonstrate how canvass processes have been working in practice.  
We have been working with the electoral management software (EMS) suppliers to ensure that the data is available in your systems. We will be asking for the same canvass data as in 2023.

We will be in touch with EROs soon to request the data and we will confirm at that stage how the relevant reports can be generated.  If EROs are deferring publications of their registers until early 2025, this will be taken into account and you will be contacted separately.

We would like to thank you in advance for your support with this work and for the time taken to supply the data to us.


We’re hiring! – Scotland Support Officer

The Commission in Scotland is looking for a person to join our team who will play a key role in supporting the Electoral Commission's work in Scotland. The role will involve providing support across all areas of work undertaken by the Electoral Commission, Scotland, but in particular to provide first line advice and guidance to voters, electoral administrators, political parties, candidates and agents and to support engagement with these groups to deliver the Commission’s stakeholder strategy. The postholder will also provide secretarial and financial planning support to the team.

The closing date for applications is Wednesday 4 December at 23:59.

Find out more and apply.


Electoral Commission Secondment Opportunity

We are looking for an elections professional who has experience of working with the RO and ERO Performance Standards to join us between January and March 2025 on a secondment basis as Performance Standards Engagement Lead. The role will involve engaging with peers across the electoral sector in England, Wales and Scotland to find out how the standards are being used and what could be improved.  

It’s a unique opportunity to help shape the Commission’s performance standards and make improvements to a key resource that enables electoral administrators to deliver well-run elections. You will get the opportunity to gain insight and experience working for a regulator.  

To find out more and for information about the role and how to apply, please visit our website here