After the election, the candidate must provide a written statement of their personal expenses to their agent within 21 days of the result being declared.1
The agent must meet deadlines for:
receiving and paying invoices
sending a spending and donations return to the Combined Authority Returning Officer (CARO)
Both the agent and the candidate must also submit declarations that the return is complete and accurate.2
You must still submit a return and declarations even if you haven’t spent any money.3
This is called a ‘nil return’.
You can find these deadlines, and more information on reporting, in After the election.
1. Schedule 2, rule 1(29) The Combined Authorities (Mayoral Elections) Order 2017 (CAM Order 2017) and section 74(2) & section 78(1) Representation of the People Act 1983 (RPA 1983)↩ Back to content at footnote 1