Guidance for Candidates and Agents at Combined Authority Mayoral elections

Qualifications and disqualifications for standing for election (with PCC)

This section of the document contains our guidance on whether or not you can stand for election at the combined authority mayoral elections where the mayor takes on the Police and Crime Commissioner role.

We have produced this guidance because where the combined authority mayor also takes on the functions of a Police and Crime Commissioner (or Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner as relevant), the disqualifications that apply to candidates at this election are different to the disqualifications at other combined authority mayoral elections.

For elections taking place on or after 2 May 2024, the Elections Act 2022 has updated the grounds on which you may be disqualified.  More information can be found in our guidance on disqualifications.

For elections taking place on or after 7 May 2024, the Elections Act 2022 removes the general right of European Union citizens stand at Combined Authority Mayoral elections (with PCC). This will mean that in order stand as a candidate at a Combined Authority Mayoral election, an EU citizen will be required to be a qualifying EU citizen or an EU citizen with retained rights.

Last updated: 21 March 2024