Guidance for Candidates and Agents at Greater London Authority elections

The nomination form (Mayor of London)

Your name, address and description (if you choose to use one) should be written on the nomination form before you ask subscribers to sign the form.  

The nomination form must be completed in English. 

The form must contain: 

Your full name1

  • this means your surname and other names in full
  • using initials only could lead to your nomination paper being rejected
  • do not use prefixes such as Mr, Mrs, Dr or Cllr as part of your name
  • the same applies to suffixes. However, if you have a title, you can use this as your full name. For example, if your actual name is Joseph Smith but your hereditary title is Joseph Avon, you can use the name Joseph Avon as your full name

Signatures of 330 registered electors2    

  • also known as subscribers
  • you need 10 subscribers from each London borough and 10 from the City of London 
  • your subscribers must be on the local government electoral register that is in force on the last day for publication of the notice of election - or more information on subscribers see our guidance on signatures of subscribers.


You can also choose to use a description on your nomination paper. The type of description you can use depends on whether you are an independent or party candidate.  

Independent CandidatesYou can only use “Independent” as your description.3   
Political Party Candidates

You can use a party name or description.4

If you want to use a party name or description, you must also submit alongside your other nomination papers a certificate that shows that you are authorised to use the party’s name or description.5 More information is set out in our guidance on additional information for candidates standing for a political party.

You do not have to use a description. If you choose not to use a description, you can leave the description field of the nomination form blank.

Last updated: 1 February 2024