Duty to maintain secrecy during postal vote opening sessions
Ballot papers will be kept face down throughout a postal vote opening session.3
Anyone attending an opening session has a duty to maintain secrecy and must not:
attempt to obtain
communicate at any time to another person
any information relating to the number or other unique identifying mark on the back of a ballot paper4
any information as to the official mark on a postal ballot paper before the close of poll5
disclose how any particular ballot paper has been marked or pass on any such information gained from the session.6
It follows therefore that keeping a tally of how ballot papers have been marked is not allowed.
Anyone found guilty of breaching these requirements can face an unlimited fine or may be imprisoned for up to six months.7
1. Regulation 68, Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 (RPR 2001)↩ Back to content at footnote 1