Knowingly make a false statement about the personal character of a candidate.1
Pay canvassers.2
Canvassing means trying to persuade an elector to vote for or against a particular candidate or party.
Handle completed ballot papers or postal ballot packs for voters who are not close family or someone you care for.
You will need to make sure your supporters are aware that it is an offence to handle completed ballot papers or postal ballot packs for voters who are not close family or someone they care for and to follow the Code of conduct for campaigners in Great Britain this will help them to avoid situations where their honesty or integrity could be questioned.
More information on election offences and how to report these can be found in our guidance on offences.
If either you or your election agent have made a mistake and have acted in contravention of the rules, you can apply for relief from the consequences of having made a mistake. See our guidance on what to do if you have made a mistake for more information.