contains any mark or writing that can identify the voter
does not indicate the voter’s intention with certainty
The (Acting) Returning Officer ((A)RO) must draw up a statement showing the number of ballot papers rejected for these reasons.
The (A)RO must mark the word “rejected” on any ballot paper that is rejected. They must add the words “rejection objected to” if a counting agent objects to the (A)RO’s decision.
If the voter’s intention is clear on a ballot paper and the voter cannot be identified by any mark or writing, it will not be void if a vote is marked:
elsewhere than in the proper place
by other means than a cross (e.g. a tick)
by more than one mark
Doubtful ballot papers
To assist (A)ROs, we have produced guidance on how to adjudicate votes on ballot papers that may appear doubtful. This guidance is contained in our booklet Dealing with doubtful ballot papers, we have also produced a doubtful ballot paper placemat which (A)ROs may refer to at the count.
The examples given in these documents are based on the election rules.
Please note that while these documents provide guidance for (A)ROs, each individual (A)RO has the ultimate responsibility for making a decision on individual ballot papers. Their decision to reject a particular ballot paper during the count or recount is final and can be reviewed only at an election petition after the declaration of the result. For more details see our guidance on election petitions.