Guidance for Candidates and Agents at UK Parliamentary general elections in Great Britain

Declaration of result

The (Acting) Returning Officer ((A)RO will declare elected the candidate with the most votes.

The (A)RO will give public notice of the result.

The (A)RO will publish a notice with the name of each candidate elected, the number of votes for all candidates, and the number of rejected ballot papers.

The (A)RO may allow candidates to make speeches after the result is declared. Please check arrangements with your (A)RO. You should ensure that you and your supporters comply with any instructions given by the (A)RO regarding the standards of behaviour required during verbal announcements.

What happens to the paperwork after the result is announced?

The (A)RO must seal all election documentation and add a description of the contents to each packet. In England and Wales, the (A)RO will forward them on to the Electoral Registration Officer. In Scotland, the documents are held by the Returning Officer.

For more information see our guidance on what happens to the election paperwork after the declaration of the result.

Last updated: 5 December 2024