Guidance for Returning Officers administering Local Government Elections in England

Nomination form - the candidates name

The candidate’s full names must be listed on the nomination form, surname first, followed by all of their other names in full.1  

Prefixes and suffixes

The nomination form does not prescribe a space for prefixes or suffixes. 

Candidates should be advised not to use prefixes such as Mr, Mrs, Dr or Cllr, or suffixes such as OBE or MBA as part of their full name. If a prefix or suffix is included as part of the actual name the nomination form would not be invalid as a result, but the prefix or suffix should not be transferred to the statement of persons nominated.  

If a candidate has submitted a nomination form with a prefix or suffix as part of their actual name, you should inform them that it will not appear on the statement of persons nominated, the notice of poll or the ballot paper, but that their nomination as a candidate has not been affected. 

The only exception to this is where a prefix or suffix has been included as part of a commonly used name and that is how the candidate claims to be commonly known. 

Last updated: 19 December 2023