Guidance: Candidate or agent

Access the guidance

We provide guidance and resources to help you comply with the rules. Click the 'Next' button to find our guidance and resources for candidates and agents for the following:

  • Combined Authority Mayoral elections
  • Greater London Authority elections
  • Local Authority Mayoral elections
  • Local government elections in England
  • Parish elections
  • Police and Crime Commissioner elections
  • UK Parliamentary elections 

Our PDF guidance for all other elections is available below.

Guidance for all other elections

Candidates and their agents must follow certain rules set out in legislation.

On this page you will find links to all of our guidance and resources for candidates and agents. Click on the relevant link to find all the information you’ll need to help you comply with the rules.

You do not have to follow this guidance, but if you do, you will normally be doing enough to comply with the law.