Forms and explanatory notes – Great Britain Share on Email Print this page You are in the Other regulated individuals and organisations section Our guidance Other regulated individuals and organisations Forms table What do you want to do? Forms that you need Explanatory notes Report a donation or visit Form RD1A: Reporting a donation or a visit (PDF) Report an impermissible donation Form RD1B: Report of a donation not accepted by a regulated donee in Great Britain (PDF) Report a loan, credit facility, guarantee or security Form RD1C: Report of a controlled transaction by a regulated participant (XLS) Explanatory notes on completing an RD1C (PDF) Report an impermissible loan, credit facility, guarantee or security Form RD1D: Report of an impermissible transaction by a regulated participant (XLS) Explanatory notes on completing an RD1D (PDF) Notify us of an appointment of a compliance officer for a holder of elective office Form CO1: Notice of appointment of a compliance officer by a holder of relevant elective office (PDF) Notify us of an appointment of a responsible person for a members association Form R1: Notice of appointment of a responsible person by a members association with no treasurer (PDF) Guidance: Donations and loans: guidance for regulated donees in Great Britain