Open from 8am on Tuesdays; closed 8pm on Wednesdays
Took place at 9am on Friday 21 June
Signing the petition
For a recall petition to result in an MP being recalled over 10% of people eligible to sign must do so within the six-week signing period. We can see from petition data that the majority of those who signed did so within the first two weeks of the petition opening.
How many people were eligible to sign
How many signatures needed to recall MP
Number who signed
10,005 - this was 19% of people eligible to sign
Spoilt signing papers
We can also see from this data how people chose to sign the petition.
How people chose to sign the petition
People or organisations wishing to campaign for or against the recall petition and intending to spend over £500 were required to notify the PO that they wished to be a registered campaigner. There were three registered campaigners in Brecon and Radnorshire who have submitted donation and spending returns.