Running electoral registration - Scotland

The appeals process

A person may appeal against your decision to refuse a Voter Authority Certificate or Anonymous Elector’s Document application. They must:1  

  • give you notice of the appeal within 14 days of the date of the notification of the refusal
  • specify the grounds of the appeal 

You must forward to the relevant court, in the manner directed by the rules of the court, any appeal notice you receive together with a statement setting out:2    

  • the material facts which in your opinion have been established in the case 
  • your decision upon the whole case
  • your representations on any point specified as a ground of appeal

You must also give the relevant court any other information which they may require, and you are able to give.3  

You must also inform the court where you are aware of other appeal notices that are based on similar grounds, to enable it (where it thinks fit) to consolidate the appeals or select as a test case.4

The relevant court is the sheriff where the ERO is appointed for an area in Scotland.5   

Last updated: 17 November 2022