Board minutes: 2 December 2020
Meeting summary
Date: Wednesday 2 December 2020
Time: 9:30am to 1pm
Location: By video conference
Date of next scheduled meeting: Wednesday 20 January 2021
Who was at the meeting
- John Holmes, Chair
- Sue Bruce
- Anna Carragher
- Sarah Chambers
- Elan Closs Stephens
- Stephen Gilbert
- Alasdair Morgan
- Rob Vincent
- Joan Walley
In attendance
- Bob Posner, Chief Executive
- Craig Westwood, Director, Communications, Policy and Research
- Louise Edwards, Director, Regulation
- Ailsa Irvine, Director, Electoral Administration and Guidance
- Kieran Rix, Director, Finance and Corporate Services
- Rupert Grist, Interim General Counsel
- David Bailey, Head of Strategic Planning and Performance
- Andy O’Neill, Head of Electoral Commission, Scotland (Item 7)
- Rhydian Thomas, Head of Electoral Commission, Wales (Item 7)
- Tim Crowley, Head of Digital Communications and Learning (Item 8)
- Sarah Barker, Senior Communications Officer (Item 8)
- Zena Khan, Senior Advisor, Governance
There were no apologies received.
The Chair welcomed all to the meeting and advised the Board that the renewal of the terms of office of both Elan Closs Stephens and Sue Bruce had been approved by the House of Commons and that the Royal Warrant had been received for Alasdair Morgan.
Declarations of interest
There were no new declarations of interest.
Minutes of the previous Board Meeting (EC 87/20)
Commissioners noted the lengthy statutory process for the appointment of Commissioners. This could impact on quoracy at Board meetings, but this was not presently likely.
Resolved: That the minutes of the Commission Board meeting on 21 October 2020 be approved.
Supplementary Estimate 2020/21 (EC 88/20)
The Chief Executive and the Director of Finance and Corporate Services introduced the report and the supplementary paper analysing the proposed changes. The changes were mostly related to the postponement of the May 2020 elections, and the consequent ability to return a significant sum to HM Treasury.
It was noted that there had been a delay in implementing the new Political Finance Online project due to supplier difficulties outside of the Commission’s control. There was confidence that the project could be successfully completed using in house resources, including some extra recruitments. Roll-out of the system was now scheduled for September 2021. This would incur additional resources above the project budget. Action against the suppliers could not be ruled out. The Chair of Audit Committee had been briefed in detail.
It was agreed that further regular updates would be given to the Board on the Political Finance Online project.
Resolved: That the Commissioners approved the changes required for the 2020/21 budget and onward submission to the Speaker’s Committee.
Performance report quarter 2, 2020/21 (EC 89/20)
Commissioners received the report, noting the stability within Human Resources. The status of some current party registration cases was discussed.
Commissioners discussed the ways of working refresh of the office accommodation at Bunhill Row and the impact of public health guidelines for Covid-19 including working from home.
Resolved: That the report be noted.
Governance matter (EC 90/20)
The Chief Executive introduced the report on proposed interim arrangements from 1 January 2021 pending the appointment of a new Chair.
The Commissioners noted the position on the recruitment of the new Chair and also a new lead Commissioner in Northern Ireland.
Resolved: That pending the new Chair of the Commission being appointed and commencing duties, Rob Vincent should act as lead Commissioner as appropriate, including chairing the meetings of the Board, interacting with the other Commissioners, working closely with the Chief Executive and the Directors of the Commission, and engaging with key external stakeholders.
Resolved: That other Commissioners, particularly Sarah Chambers, may also be asked to assist as necessary.
Update on 2021 elections (EC 91/20)
The Commission directors provided a presentation covering the following key headlines:
- Planning to ensure that the May 2021 polls are as safe as can be in a Covid- 19 context, including planned public opinion research on attitudes to voting in this context in England and Wales
- Engaging with governments, including new legislation by both Scottish and Welsh governments
- Supporting electoral administrators
- Supporting voters, including through public campaigns
- Supporting and regulating campaigners
Commissioners discussed the impacts of Covid-19 restrictions, particularly in polling stations, managing expectations and providing assurance to members of the public on voting in person.
Resolved: That the presentation be noted.
Update on voter education resources (EC 92/20)
Commissioners received a background paper along with a presentation introduced by the Head of Digital Communications and Learning, noting the following key points:
- Strong partnerships with the devolved administrations
- Promotion and dissemination of both digital and physical materials
- Stakeholder feedback, which had been very positive so far
- Future plans
Commissioners welcomed the progress on this area of work, and discussed learning providers, cost of materials, resources and future budgets.
It was noted that feedback from educators and students from ages 16-18 year olds would be sought via surveys, and via plans to conduct focus groups in April 2021.
Resolved: That the report and presentation be noted.
Update from Committee Chairs
Remuneration and Human Resources Committee (RemCo) (EC 93/20)
The RemCo Chair provided the Commissioners with a brief update of the last RemCo meeting on 2 December 2020, covering the following:
- Feedback from staff session
- People strategy
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) work
- Pay benchmarking exercise
Resolved: That the update be noted.
Audit Committee (EC 94/20)
The Audit Chair provided the Commissioners with a brief update of the last Audit Committee meetings held on 11 November and 1 December 2020, covering the following:
- Internal and external audit plans
- Risk appetite workshop
- Business Continuity Plan review
- Schedule of policies
- Nation Audit Office update
- Board Effectiveness Review recommendations
- Deep dive – financial risk
It was noted that the deep dive on financial risk would go onto the Board forward plan of business for a future meeting.
Action: To update the Forward plan of Board business with ‘Deep dive – financial risk’
Resolved: That the update be noted.
Chief Executive’s update (EC 95/20)
The Chief Executive introduced the report, drawing attention to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the work of the Commission. The Commission had come through this well so far, but there were still challenges. Commissioners were interested in the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on productivity, what the ‘new normal’, once we were through the pandemic, might look like, and the opportunity this represented for a fresh look at ways of doing things. An update was provided on Ofcom being tasked by government with regulating online harms.
It was noted that the Commission’s written submission to the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Select Committee (PACAC) enquiry within the UK Parliament would be circulated to all Commissioners.
Commissioners thanked the Chief Executive and teams for a comprehensive update. The possibility of streamlining the Chief Executive’s update to reduce resource required to prepare it, without reducing key information, was noted.
Action: The Director of Regulation to circulate the Commission’s written submission to the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Select Committee inquiry.
Resolved: That the report be noted.
Commission Board action tracker (EC 96/20)
Resolved: That the Commission Board action tracker be noted.
Forward plan of Board business (EC 97/20)
Resolved: that the Forward plan of Board business be noted.
Any other business
The Chair thanked Anna Carragher on behalf of the Commission Board and Executive Team for her contribution to the Commission Board for the past nine years. It was noted that she had probably been the longest serving member on the Board to date. Anna had brought a wealth of experience and significantly helped the Commission by her work in Northern Ireland.
The Chief Executive thanked the Chair, John Holmes, on behalf of the Executive Team and staff as a whole for his leadership over the past four years. Alasdair Morgan thanked the Chair on behalf of the other Commissioners, and wished him well for the future.