John Holmes, Chair
Alasdair Morgan
Anna Carragher
Elan Closs Stephens
Joan Walley
Sarah Chambers
Stephen Gilbert
Rob Vincent
Sue Bruce
Annual Review of Complaints (eEC 48/20)
The Board noted that complaints were a useful source of information that helped the organisation improve and asked for more details on specific complaints.
Resolved: That the paper be noted.
Minutes (eEC 49/20)
Queries were raised about how the electronic business could be discussed in Board meetings and how the Commission would be engaged in proactive research partnerships.
Resolved: That the paper be noted.
Commission Board action tracker (eEC 50/20)
It was noted that external stakeholders, including several local authority Chief Executives, were scheduled to be invited to speak about the pressures and challenges facing local government in general and in relation to elections specifically as part of the October Board meeting.
Resolved: That the paper be noted.
Forward plan of Board business (eEC 51/20)
Queries were raised about the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on Commission staff and the forward plan. The Chief Executive’s Update would keep Commissioners updated and a lessons learnt review has started. This matter would also be addressed in the developing new five-year corporate plan.
Queries were raised about the timeline for developing the 2021/22 schedule of Board meetings. This work was planned for the summer break and Commissioners would be able to review it when the schedule comes to Board on the 23 September 2020.