Delivering the annual canvass - England

Processing information in connection with data matching

Processing information in connection with data matching 

This section of the guidance covers data protection considerations in regard to data matching. 

Information supplied to the Minister for the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government for the purpose of the national data match and the access to the results from the national data match step are subject to certain restrictions.

You must not disclose any information from the national data match step about an individual1 to any person other than where they are responsible for deciding the most appropriate canvass route or for the purposes of any civil or criminal proceedings. 

However, data protection legislation allows individuals to make requests about the information you hold about them. For more information on subject access requests (SARs), including how they relate to the national data match, see our guidance - What should I do if I am asked to disclose information from the national data match?

If you, or anyone authorised to act on your behalf, discloses data from the national data match step for any other reason you (and they) could be subject to imprisonment, a fine or both.

Last updated: 12 September 2024