Delivering the annual canvass - England

Delivering the annual canvass: what are my duties as ERO?

Delivering the annual canvass: what are my duties as ERO?

Part of your statutory duties as ERO includes the delivery of an annual canvass. As part of this, you must:

  • disclose data to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government as part of a national data matching exercise known as the national data match step1 (and, in addition, you also have the discretion to carry out local data matching) 
  • take into account the results of national data matching when making a decision on the allocation of properties to canvass routes
  • carry out the required statutory steps for properties allocated to each canvass route
  • provide training, where necessary, to staff who will deliver the canvass on your behalf
  • publish the revised version of the register by 1 December (except for where an election is held between 1 July and 1 December, in which case the publication of the register can be delayed until up to 1 February the following year)2  
  • provide statistical information about your revised register to the Secretary of State as required, for example the number of parliamentary and local electors you have registered by constituency.3  

As ERO, you are also a data controller and have a statutory responsibility under data protection legislation to ensure that personal data is kept securely. Any breach could constitute an offence and could result in a loss of confidence in the electoral registration process. 

Last updated: 4 September 2024