Delivering the annual canvass - Scotland

Allocating properties to canvass routes

Allocating properties to canvass routes

Once you have received and analysed the results of both your national and local data matching (if undertaken) and taken into account any other relevant information you have access to, you need to allocate properties to specific canvass routes.

The following resource provides a description of the three canvass routes and the criteria that determines when a route must be used and when an ERO has the discretion to decide whether to use a particular route or not.

Where you decide to allocate a property to a route based on the results provided by one set of data rather than another, you should be able to explain your decision-making process clearly and maintain an audit trail of your decisions.

It is important to note that whilst you will have the option to consider individual property level data match results when allocating properties to routes, you won’t necessarily need to do this in practice. You should be able to apply the allocation criteria more broadly so that properties with the same data match results can be managed in the same way and allocated to the appropriate routes in bulk.

Last updated: 21 March 2022