Delivering the annual canvass - Scotland

How should I evaluate the success of the annual canvass?

How should I evaluate the success of the annual canvass?

As part of your planning for delivery of the canvass, you will have established how you will evaluate the overall success of the canvass to inform your plans for future canvasses. Over time, your evaluation and refinement of your plans should ensure that your canvass processes make the best use of resources, are successful in encouraging households and individuals to take the necessary action, provide the best service for electors and reduce the administrative burden on your service.
Your evaluation should utilise the metrics available to you via your EMS system. The performance standards for EROs, and the tools and templates available to support them, will assist you in understanding the impact of your activities, help identify where improvements can be made and support you to report on your own performance locally.

You should use the data and qualitative information set out in the standards to help understand the impact of your activities, both throughout and at the end of the canvass, to identify what works and what doesn’t and where you can make improvements. The framework is designed to support this analysis and focuses on the key data and information that will indicate what is working well and where improvements could be made.

Last updated: 3 December 2020