Guidance for (Acting) Returning Officers administering a UK Parliamentary election in Great Britain

Election documentation available to police and security organisations in Scotland

The Security Service, Government Communications Headquarters, and Secret Intelligence Service are entitled to a free copy of any election document open to inspection, and any other document related to the election on request. The police (including the National Crime Agency) are also entitled to free copies on request of any of these if they have inspected them.1 This is except for:

  • ballot papers
  • completed corresponding number lists
  • certificates of employment on duty on polling day

A request for access to these documents must be accompanied by reference to the relevant regulation which gives them the right of supply. 

Supply of a copy of the documents and access for inspection is free of charge.

Information supplied may only be used for the purposes set out in the regulation under which the body can obtain the full register.

Last updated: 19 December 2023