Guidance for Candidates and Agents at UK Parliamentary general elections in Great Britain

Using schools and rooms for public meetings 

You may want to engage with the public at public meetings, promoting your views and responding to questions from the audience.

The ERO of each council in England and Wales, and the Proper Officer of each council in Scotland, keep a list of the location and availability of meeting rooms in their area. They will make this list available for inspection by candidates and election agents (and persons authorised by them) from the dissolution of the UK Parliament.

Once you are a candidate you will be able to use available public rooms up until the day before polling day.1

Contact details for EROs can be found on our website. In Scotland you can obtain the contact details of the Proper Officer through the local council.

You should contact the owner of the premises to make a booking, giving reasonable notice to reduce the risk of the request being refused.

There is no hire charge for using these rooms, but you must pay for any expenses incurred, such as heating, lighting and cleaning, and for any damage to the premises.

Your right to use the room does not include hours during which a school is used for educational purposes or when any prior letting of a room has been agreed.

Last updated: 4 December 2023