Consultation: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

What we're consulting on

We’re consulting on our draft Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, and our new Equality Impact Assessment documents.

We want to make sure that our strategy demonstrates our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, and that it clearly shows the actions we are going to take to meet our obligations and aspirations.

Download the documents

Download the Equality Impact Assessment documentation:


Action plan

ActionWhen we will do itMeasure of successWho is responsible
Continue to improve our research data to enhance our evidence base, ensuring we carry out screening and if appropriate an EIA for research proposalsOngoingEvidence base gives us clear data to support our aims for equality, diversity and inclusionHead of Research
Continue to ensure that campaigns to raise public awareness about the electoral system are inclusive and take account of different groupsOngoing; to form part of each campaignOur messages feature in targeted media; good response from targeted groupsHead of Campaigns
Continue to ensure that our guidance is available in a variety of formats OngoingOur stakeholders are supported with complianceHead of Regulatory Support
Take further steps to ensure our website and our publications are as accessible as possible Ongoing: our website already meets best practice AA standards Best practice maintained and enhanced through regular testing and feedbackHead of Digital Communications
Build on the success of the partnership work we have already done in ensuring we continue to identify the needs of diverse groups and respond to themContinue initiatives to identify groups less likely to vote and work to find ways to respond to their needsGood levels of awareness from specific groupsHead of Campaigns working with the Commission’s offices in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland


ActionWhen we will do itMeasure of successWho is responsible
Ensure that the guidance, support and challenge we provide for Electoral Registration Officers  supports them to encourage  registration from typically under-registered groups in their areas (based on their demographicsOngoing: we have laid the new Standards before ParliamentWe provide the right guidance and support to EROs and quality assure that we have done soHead of Guidance, Head of Support and Improvement, Heads of Electoral Commission in Wales and Scotland
Ensure that our guidance, support and challenge to Returning Officers promote the provision of equality of access and experience for all at the pollsOngoing: we constantly update and improve our guidanceWe provide the right guidance and support to ROsHead of Guidance; Head of Support and Improvement, Heads of Electoral Commission in Wales and Scotland
Introduce new processes for carrying out and reviewing Equality Impact AssessmentsNew EIA process rolled out by the end of 2021Enhanced ability to assess the impact of proposed changes on equalitiesHead of Planning and Performance; all staff responsible for areas where screening and if necessary a full EIA may be required
Ensure that the Commission’s procurement strategy includes clear EDI outcomes for contractors, and that effective monitoring of these contractors is done to ensure they complyOngoingContractors have equalities policies in placeFinancial Controller
Ensure through our Quality Assurance initiative that equality is embedded as appropriate in all our processesOngoingAll processes pay due regard to equalitiesHead of Projects and all managers
Continue to keep our internal regulatory procedures under review for best practice and to ensure that consistency, fairness and quality underpin all our regulatory activitiesOngoingDecisions seen to be made transparently and fairly in a way which treats all stakeholders equallyHead of Registration and Reporting; Head of Monitoring and Enforcement
Ensure that equality is included as appropriate in our policies including our Enforcement Policy as they are reviewed in line with our normal cycleOngoingAll policies pay due regard to equalitiesAll Heads responsible for organisational policies
Implement a Welsh Language Action Plan to enhance our service to Welsh speakers, building on the appointment of a permanent senior adviser on Welsh language and a permanent translator All parts of the organisation are aware of and meet the Welsh language standardsHead of Electoral Commission in Wales; all Heads


ActionWhen we will do itMeasure of successWho is responsible
Meet the commitments and actions stated in our people strategyOngoingProgress demonstrated (update report to each RemCo)Head of HR and others
We will continue using anonymous recruiting for employed roles (our e-recruitment system does not share name or other demographic info with recruiting)OngoingThe diversity of whom we recruitHead of HR and all recruiting managers
We will consider the design of our roles including through the lens of being open to allOngoingThe diversity of whom we recruitRecruiting managers (with support from HR)
We will tender for an e-recruitment system that meets our data needs31 December 2021Diversity data reports on job applicants for employed rolesHR Team
We will aim to create an environment where all staff can be themselves at workOngoingPositive findings in all staff surveys and feedback from staff groupsWork led by Anti Bullying champion
Updated Dignity at Work policy for 2021/22By 2022Updated policy reflecting Commission needs and prioritiesHR, DARE, EDI Group, Anti Bullying champion, PCS
We will work to deliver on our commitment to ‘Zero Tolerance’ of bullying and harassment.Ongoing with annual reviewLevels of bullying and harassment experienced and witnessed fallAnti-Bullying Champion working with Dignity and Respect Group; all managers and colleagues
We will build on the learnings from relevant impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic 2020/21 – including hybrid ways of working, dependence on electronic communication; virtual leadership – to help us shape a new and inclusive workplace cultureOngoing as the pandemic recedesContinued balance of high staff engagement with delivery of businessAll managers and staff
We will work through our Race at Work Champion and our Race at Work Taskforce to give effect to our Race at Work CharterOngoingActions agreed with Task Force and carried through according to planRace at Work Champion working with the Task Force
We will work with and support a new permanent EDI Lead for the CommissionSummer 2021EDI lead delivers against agreed outcomesHead of Planning and Performance
We will continue to seek views and promote EDI through our EDI groupOngoingEDI considered in Commission decisions and processesAll Heads
Through continuing to provide induction to employees and workers, we will let them know of the EDI agenda and priorities OngoingAll new employees, temporary or permanent, understand the Commission’s expectations on EDIHR, SLG and recruiting managers
We will continue to discuss the results of all staff surveys and seek feedback both through teams and through the Commission’s groupings such as the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion group, the Staff Engagement Group and with PCSAfter each full all staff surveyStaff feel confident to speak up and share views to enhance the all staff survey processHead of HR working with relevant groups
We will encourage employees to self-declare their diversity in our HR system to improve our organisational EDI data Spring 2021Levels of self-declaration riseHead of HR
We will continue to track the diversity of applicants and of leaversOngoingLevels of diversity riseHR and managers

ActionWhen we will do itMeasure of successWho is responsible
We will draw up and implement a strategy for internal communications to make sure all staff are aware of our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusionBy the end of 2021All staff aware of Strategy and their responsibilities under itEDI lead working with Head of Internal Communications