Non-party campaigners: UK Parliamentary general elections

When must you submit a notification to the Electoral Commission?

Non-party campaigners intending to spend more than £10,000 on regulated campaign activity must submit a notification to the Commission following which they will appear on the register of notifications.1  Only certain types of entities can submit a notification to the Commission.2

Once a non-party campaigner appears on the register of notifications, the Commission refers to them as a ‘registered non-party campaigner’.

When must you submit a notification to the Electoral Commission?

If you are eligible to submit a notification, you can submit a notification to the Electoral Commission at any time before or during a regulated period at a UK Parliamentary general election (UKPGE). 

Your notification must be in force before you spend more than £10,000 on regulated campaign activity during the regulated period. We call this limit the ‘notification threshold’.

The Commission maintains a register of notifications from non-party campaigners in the lead up to elections. Once a non-party campaigner is registered, we will publish details of their notification on our public register.3  We will not publish any personal information, such as home addresses, email addresses or phone numbers.

It is an offence to spend more than £10,000 without being on the register of notifications.4  If you are registered with us, you will have a different spending limit.

As well as the notification threshold, you must also ensure you do not exceed the constituency spending limit.

Last updated: 19 December 2023