EA Bulletin: 386 Wales
Welcome to Your Vote Week 2025 - Get informed and get involved
Every year we ask schools, youth groups, colleges and universities to join us in celebrating democracy by delivering democratic education with their students and young people.
Welcome to Your Vote Week will be taking place from Monday 10 March to Sunday 16 March 2025.
The theme for 2025 is get informed and get involved.
We have worked with our youth voice champions from across the UK to develop ideas for the theme of Welcome to Your Vote Week 2025. Young people highlighted being informed and engaging with politics and democracy at a local level as important to them.
This Welcome to Your Vote Week, support young people to access trustworthy information to get informed about politics, democracy and elections, and take the first steps to get involved locally. Whether it’s discovering who represents them in their area, exploring the issues that matter most to them, or making a positive impact in their community, there are lots of ways young people can get informed and get involved.
Sign up now to take part in Welcome to Your Vote Week 2025 and receive free resources ahead of the week to help you get involved.
Get involved with the week
If you want to start planning how you’d like to get involved with Welcome to Your Vote Week 2025, our year-round education resources are available on our website to support you.
What’s next?
Find out more about Welcome to Your Vote Week
If you have any questions about the week, please contact [email protected]
Information about the collection of Eligibility Confirmation and Review (ECR) data
As you know, changes to the franchise of EU citizens were introduced by the Elections Act 2022 with the general right of European Union citizens to register, vote and stand in England local government elections and Police and Crime Commissioner elections being removed.
EROs have been conducting the ECR process to review the eligibility of EU citizens on the register over the last year. The Electoral Commission has a statutory duty to report on the operation of this process. To inform our reporting, we will be requesting ECR data from you in February 2025.
Find more information on the data we are requesting.
The data report will be available to download from your EMS system from the start of February. We will be in touch by email soon to request the data and will confirm at that stage how the relevant reports can be generated.
If you have any questions about the EUVR data collection, please email [email protected]
We would like to thank you in advance for your support with this work and for the time taken to supply the data to us.
New vision and values for the Commission
We’re currently developing our new five-year UK Corporate Plan. As part of this work, we’re taking the opportunity to update our values and vision statement. A well-developed set of values and vision statement will define what we stand for, and help guide our decision-making, culture, and interactions with partners and key stakeholders.
We want to get your views on the Electoral Commission, our role, and the core principles that should guide our work. Your input is crucial in helping us develop values that help us project our ambitions and build confidence in the Commission and our work.
If you would like to share your thoughts and be involved in shaping these new values and vision, please get in touch with Tim Crowley at [email protected] , who will respond with the next steps.