Guidance: Returning Officer

Access the guidance

We provide guidance and resources to help Returning Officers (ROs) and their staff run polling place reviews, recall petitions and elections successfully. Click the 'Next' button to access our guidance and resources for Returning Officers for the following:

  • Recall petitions
  • Polling place reviews
  • Greater London Authority elections
  • Local government elections in England
  • Police and Crime Commissioner elections
  • UK Parliamentary elections 

Our PDF guidance for all other elections is available below.

How to guide

We have produced a guide that should answer any initial queries you may have about how to filter and search for guidance.

Considerations for running the UK Parliamentary General Election on 4 July 2024

We have published a new standalone piece of guidance highlighting key areas of planning for ROs and EROs on the 4 July UK Parliamentary General Election. The guidance sets out some key considerations relating to the coordination and planning of the election in your area. It is not intended to be a comprehensive breakdown of all elements of preparing for the poll, but instead provides an overview of some areas that require urgent consideration to help you to prioritise your activities. It should be read alongside our core guidance.

Guidance for all other elections

We provide guidance and resources to help Returning Officers (ROs) and their staff run elections and referendums successfully. 
In the menu below you will find links to PDF our guidance and resources for electoral administrators, organised by election type. Click on the relevant link to find all the information you’ll require to plan for and deliver forthcoming elections.

Key considerations for the implementation of the Elections Act 2022

We have published two pieces of guidance highlighting key areas of planning for ROs and EROs on the Elections Act 2022. In the first piece of guidance we cover the new requirements under the Voter ID and accessibility provisions, and in the second we cover the various provisions included in Tranche 2, which will be implemented throughout 2023 and 2024 . This guidance is based on our current knowledge of UK Government implementation plans and will be updated as needed. We will highlight when any changes are made in future EA Bulletins.