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The new Curriculum for Wales provides schools with a clear purpose to deliver effective democracy education. This requires a whole school approach, with opportunities for learning in and out of the classroom and a clear culture that supports learners to participate in their school community and beyond.
This page outlines examples of how to support effective democracy education by embedding it into the Humanities AOLE of the Curriculum for Wales and by planning a broad range of experiences for learners.
Informed, self-aware citizens engage with the challenges and opportunities that face humanity, and are able to take considered and ethical action
Progression step 3:
I can understand the consequences of my actions and the actions of others, and how these affect local, national and global issues
I can participate in decision-making, and I can share opinions and evidence with decision-makers and elected representatives in my community
I have planned and taken an active role in response to challenges and opportunities in my local community, or in Wales or the wider world, and I have done so individually or as part of a team.
Human societies are complex and diverse, and shaped by human actions and beliefs
Progression step 3:
I can understand and describe how my community is governed and how people are represented.
Visits, trips and projects focused on leaders
Places to visit: Senedd
People to invite to your school: Local councillor
Projects: Anti-bullying week or the anti-bullying alliance
Informed, self-aware citizens engage with the challenges and opportunities that face humanity, and are able to take considered and ethical action
Progression step 4:
I can analyse and explain that there are a range of factors that influence my and other people’s behaviours, actions and decisions, and that these include ethical and moral judgements and viewpoints.
Human societies are complex and diverse, and shaped by human actions and beliefs
Progression step 4:
I have an understanding of a range of governance systems and how people have been represented at local, national and global levels, including how systems of government in Wales operate both now and in the past, and I can compare and explain differences between these systems.
Informed, self-aware citizens engage with the challenges and opportunities that face humanity, and are able to take considered and ethical action
Progression step 4:
I can analyse and explain that there are a range of factors that influence my and other people’s behaviours, actions and decisions, and that these include ethical and moral judgements and viewpoints.
I can make decisions, identify opportunities and plan appropriate action to make my voice heard.
I can discuss and challenge viewpoints of decision-makers and elected representatives in my community and at a national level.
I can analyse and explain the impact of decisions made by individuals, local, national or global governance, and non-governmental organisations on people, their rights and the environment.
Visits, trips and projects focused on media
Places to visit: Bangor University (Film, Media and Journalism)
Informed, self-aware citizens engage with the challenges and opportunities that face humanity, and are able to take considered and ethical action
Progression step 5:
I can evaluate the causes of human rights violations and the various factors that undermine or support people’s rights.
I can evaluate the importance of the roles played by individuals, societies, social movements and governments in respecting and defending people’s human rights.
I can explain the importance of the role played by groups, governments, businesses and non-governmental organisations in the creation of a sustainable future, and how they impact on people and their rights and on the environment.
Human societies are complex and diverse, and shaped by human actions and beliefs
Progression step 5:
I can critically evaluate the consequences and significance of events and changes in a range of societies in the past and present.
Human societies are complex and diverse, and shaped by human actions and beliefs
Progression step 5:
I can compare and evaluate local, national and global governance systems, including the systems of government and democracy in Wales, considering their impact on societies in the past and present, and the rights and responsibilities of citizens in Wales.
Informed, self-aware citizens engage with the challenges and opportunities that face humanity, and are able to take considered and ethical action
Progression step 5:
I can explain the importance of the role played by groups, governments, businesses and non-governmental organisations in the creation of a sustainable future, and how they impact on people and their rights and on the environment.
I have identified, planned, reflected upon and evaluated the impact of action I have taken in my local community or in Wales or the wider world, either individually or collaboratively. Within that context, I critically examine my attitudes, assumptions and behaviours.