Reviews of polling districts, polling places and polling stations

Reviews of polling districts, polling places and polling stations

Local authorities are required to review their polling districts and polling places for UK parliamentary constituencies at least once every five years. In addition to compulsory reviews, local authorities may also conduct additional reviews at other points, depending on local circumstances. Additional local reviews do not affect the timetable for compulsory reviews.

This guidance provides a staged approach to conducting a review of polling districts, polling places and polling stations according to the relevant legislative requirements. It has been informed by feedback from local authorities on their experiences of carrying out their previous reviews. 

It includes specific guidance for managing the next compulsory review period which starts in October 2023.

It also incorporates learning from the Commission’s experience of administering the appeals process. 

We have produced a polling place review project plan checklist and a guide to assessing polling place suitability to assist you with the delivery of a review, both in terms of carrying out the compulsory review, as well as any interim locally determined reviews.

Updates to our guidance

Date of updateDescription of change
October 2023Change to expected date of Order to change UK Parliamentary boundaries Considerations for the 2023-2025 compulsory review period