How can partnerships help to raise public awareness?
How can partnerships help to raise public awareness?
Partnerships can help you to raise public awareness by:
sharing messages - for some social groups, messages are more likely to be acted upon if they come from someone they trust and know – for example, a respected community leader or organisation
extending the reach of your advertising – for example, a dentist may put posters in their waiting room, you could also place them in community buildings or on public notice boards
including information in the communications they already send out
increasing your capacity by answering people’s questions and supporting them to fill in forms - for example charitable organisations
Other partnership activities could include:
providing registration forms for estate agents to attach to rental contracts
identifying a charity whose volunteers are willing to help people fill in forms
working with a large local employer who is keen on supporting community causes
providing materials for or working together to deliver a workshop on democracy and registration
Partners may also be able to identify other opportunities that you have not yet considered.