Running electoral registration - Scotland

What happens if the IER Digital Service is unavailable?

What happens if the IER Digital Service is unavailable?

The ERO must, where it is possible to do so, use the IER Digital Service to verify an applicant’s identity. However there may be times where the system fails, or some other scenario prevents the ERO from accessing this service either to send or receive information. You need to be able to receive and process applications made online in the event of a service outage. 

You should have a contingency plan in place and this should be incorporated into your existing business continuity plans and your organisational disaster recovery plans. Both your business continuity plan and your organisational disaster recovery plans should include the requirement to maintain contact with the IER Digital Service as appropriate and should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.

The most appropriate course of action will be to wait until the service becomes available again. However, where you need to make an urgent determination of applications, for example immediately prior to a registration deadline and you have made reasonable efforts to access the IER Digital Service and not been successful you should contact the IER Support Centre who will advise on the available options for accessing application data.

Following advice from the IER Support Centre, you should consider whether or not to undertake local contingency actions.

Last updated: 24 August 2020