Running electoral registration - Wales

Requesting evidence of residency at a particular address

Requesting evidence of residency at a particular address

If you are not satisfied that an applicant or elector is resident at a particular address, you can ask them to provide further information.1 For example, you may have local knowledge that suggests that the applicant is not resident. While it will be in the interest of the elector or applicant to respond, you cannot require them to provide you with this information. Where they do not respond and you cannot obtain this information through other means, you may put their application on hold or review their registration.

You could also use your power to require information from any other person for the purposes of maintaining the register2  in regard to an applicant or elector’s residence in some circumstances, for example, you could require those in charge of multiple occupation establishments to provide you with information on residents. 

Last updated: 1 June 2020