Non-party campaigners

Non-party campaigners are individuals and organisations who campaign around elections without standing candidates themselves. Campaigners being able to get their messages to voters is a fundamental part of the democratic process, and it is important that voters hear from a wide and diverse variety of campaigners.

Non-party campaigners who spend over a certain amount on campaigning at elections must register with the Electoral Commission.

Unlike a political party, where a lot of their material is likely to require an imprint, if you are a non-party campaigner that campaigns on an issue, you may find that only some of your material requires an imprint. You should consider whether an imprint is required for each piece of material, according to the facts.

Imprints are important for transparency in campaigning. It is therefore good practice to include an imprint on all digital material that relates to elections, referendums and recall petitions, even if the material does not need to include one by law.

If a campaigner includes an imprint on their material, that does not mean that the material requires one by law. The campaigner may well simply be including one as best practice for transparency.

The following sections give guidance on the two types of material that may require an imprint.

Last updated: 2 November 2023