Using our resources to support the delivery of our goals

Our people

Staff relations and engagement

The Commission relies on the dedication, expertise and hard work of its staff. Together, teams work to deliver a high-quality service to voters and stakeholders, while also striving to fulfil the strategic objectives set out in the Corporate Plan.

This work relies on constructive relationships across the Commission, with the Executive Team, and the Board.

A staff engagement group, made up of representatives from all parts of the organisation, meets regularly to discuss corporate issues and Commission culture to seek input and views from colleagues. This is supported by regular cross-team project meetings, team meetings, and line management check ins, to ensure that views and voices are being heard.

This year the Commission launched a new Culture Charter, created by staff, and a new Dignity and Respect Policy. We also rolled out bullying and harassment training. Staff Awards were also held to recognise and celebrate the efforts and achievements of those working within the organisation.

The Commission has an active union, which plays an important role in the dialogue between staff and management. There was an official trade dispute in relation to pay settlements this year, but dialogue and engagement remained constructive.

We completed our latest staff survey in December 2022 and 86% of employees responded. Our employee engagement score was 66% (down marginally from 67% in 2021). Our scores compared most positively to the Civil Service benchmark (2021) in areas such as our people agreeing that:

  • They have the opportunity to contribute views before decisions are made that affect them (at 60%, 21% points higher than the benchmark)
  • They feel proud when they tell others they work for the Commission (at 81%, 18% points higher than the benchmark)

The areas where we compared least positively to the Civil Service benchmark, and we need to improve, include people agreeing that:

  • There are opportunities to progress in their career at the Commission (at 23%, 36% points lower than the benchmark)
  • They have the IT systems and equipment needed to do their job effectively (at 48%, 24% points lower than the benchmark)

Performance indicators

Indicator Target 2022-23
Maintained staff wellbeing score in staff survey 77% 77%
Maintained staff engagement score in staff survey 67% 66%

Occupational health and safety

We review our health and safety policy annually. We also have procedures, guidance and risk assessments in place to cover our core activities. A health and safety group oversees our arrangements. They meet regularly and report to our senior leadership group. However, primary responsibility for health and safety sits with people managers.

We initiate independent health and safety audits of our premises each year, which involves inspecting working environments and reviewing safety management systems. These audits tell us if our arrangements are suitable and highlight any improvements we need to make. In 2022/23 we:

  • Installed LED lighting at our London office, providing a feeling of natural light
  • Conducted fixed wire testing at our offices in London and Cardiff
  • Supported homeworkers and office-based staff with equipment requests, such as workstation and orthopaedic chairs and back support cushions
  • Conducted portable appliance testing at all of our offices
  • Continued enhanced cleaning regimes, including provision of hand sanitisers and anti-bacterial wipes.