
Our budget varies from year to year depending on the cycle of elections. Our event budget reflects the costs associated with each year’s elections. This varies significantly year-to-year owing to the cycle of elections, and will change if unscheduled polls are added which need to be delivered effectively. This is presented as a separate budget line to allow for more effective control and scrutiny of our core budget.

Spending on core budgets includes our work supporting voters, electoral administrators, parties and campaigners outside of the cycle of elections, as well as our corporate overheads. Our core budget will be no larger at the end of the period, after inflation, than it was at the beginning (using HM Treasury’s preferred measure for public spending and inflation assumptions where available). While we would always seek to manage our costs within these budgets, increases to the rate of inflation or changes to our work programme to reflect changes outside our control represent the main risks to our spending plans.