Delivering the annual canvass - England

Contacting electors by telephone

Contacting electors by telephone

If you are contacting electors via telephone you will need to decide whether to manage these calls in house or via an external provider. You will also need to plan in advance the scripts your staff or external providers will use for their conversations. We have provided a template script for use by staff contacting electors by telephone.

It may also be useful to provide a list of possible FAQs and suggested responses for your call handlers based on your approach to the canvass in your area. 

You will also need to ensure that you have mechanisms in place to track and monitor the placing of phone calls, to ensure that you have an audit trail of all contact attempts with properties and electors throughout the canvass. Monitoring the success of contact attempts using different contact methods will help you to evaluate their effectiveness and refine your approach as needed for future canvasses.

Last updated: 3 June 2020