Dies non do not apply to the requirement to publish by 1 December which means you can publish the register on a Saturday, Sunday or bank holiday if you choose to do so. You also have discretion to publish before this date, however doing so will have an impact on the cut off dates for registration applications.
Publishing on 1 December will help to ensure that the revised register is as accurate and complete as it can be and will maximise opportunities for potential electors to be included.
Publishing in November means the revised register would not reflect any new electors who had applied to register after 23 October, nor would it reflect any amendments or deletions determined after 31 October.
While the registration process continues throughout the year, the publication of the revised register is a key milestone. Whenever you decide to publish, you should be able to explain the reasons for your decision. See the table below.
Application and determination deadlines that apply to the publication of the revised register
Dates if the revised register is published on 1 December
Dates if the register is published in November
Last day for receipt of new applications to register
22 November 2024
23 October 2024
(6 working days before the determination deadline)
Determination deadline
30 November 2024*
31 October 2024
(last working day of the month prior to the month when the revised register is published)
Anonymous registration application and determination deadline
30 November 2024
31 October 2024
(last working day of the month prior to the month when the revised register is published)
Deadline for amendments to and removal of register entries
30 November 2024
31 October 2024
(last working day of the month prior to the month when the revised register is published)
By 1 December 2024
Any date during November
*as 30 November is a non-working day, you could use the 29 November as the determination deadline for publication of the revised register on 1 December.
Monthly notices of alteration
Updates to the register must be published on the first working day of each month, however you are not required to issue a monthly notice of alteration in the month you are publishing the revised register or in the two months before that day, but may do so if you wish. If the register is published in November this means you are not required to publish a monthly notice of alteration in September, October and November. If it is published in December, you are not required to publish a monthly notice of alteration in October, November and December.