Guidance for (Acting) Returning Officers administering a UK Parliamentary election in Great Britain Share on Email Print this page Print full guidance You are in the Equipment and materials to be provided for the polling station section Guidance for (Acting) Returning Officers administering a UK Parliamentary election in Great Britain Polling station voting Equipment and materials to be provided for the polling station Ballot paper refusal list and voter identification evaluation form You must provide each polling station with documents that capture information relating to the voter identification requirements.Ballot paper refusal list (BPRL) Voter ID evaluation form (VIDEF)VIDEF notes sheetThe BPRL and VIDEF notes sheet are used throughout the day to capture and record information in relation to the voter ID requirement:DocumentInformation collectedBPRLNumber of ballot papers refused on grounds of:the photographic ID was not a good likenessthe PO believed the photographic ID was a forgerythe elector failed to answer the prescribed questions satisfactorilyThe BPRL would be updated if an elector later returns with an acceptable form of photographic IDVIDEF notes sheetNumber of Voter Authority Certificates used by electors (or proxies) as their acceptable photographic IDNumber of Elector's Documents used by anonymous electors as their acceptable photographic IDNumber of electors whose photographic ID was checked in privateNumber of electors who were not issued with a ballot paper and the number of these electors who later returned and were issued with a ballot paperAt the close of poll the PO will complete the VIDEF with the information from the BPRL and VIDEF notes sheet. BPRL (Ballot paper refusal list) (DOCX) Voter identification notes and VIDEF (DOCX) The polling station handbook provides further information how to complete these forms. Polling Station Handbook UKPGE 2024 (PDF) Polling station handbook erratum insert: UK Parliamentary election (PDF) Last updated: 20 August 2024 Book traversal links for Ballot paper refusal list and voter identification evaluation form Corresponding number lists Packets for postal ballot papers delivered to the polling station