Guidance for (Acting) Returning Officers administering a UK Parliamentary election in Great Britain

Corresponding number lists

You must prepare and provide a corresponding number list for each polling station.1 The corresponding number list is a prescribed document that can be found in the appendix to the election rules. There is no provision for a form ‘to like effect’ to be used.2  

There are two types of corresponding number list: one list to be to be used in polling stations, containing the ballot paper numbers and a column to add the elector numbers of voters to whom those ballot papers are issued.3  

The other list is to be used at postal vote issuing sessions, containing the number and unique identifying mark of every ballot paper produced, as well as the elector numbers of postal voters. For more information on the postal vote opening process please see our guidance on Receiving and opening postal votes.


Where two or more polls are combined, you must prepare and provide a combined corresponding number list for each polling station.4  

You will need to consider how you will produce the combined corresponding number lists for use at combined polls in practice. One possible solution could be to use a separate sheet of paper for each poll, but which are then joined together in some way (for example, by staple) at the end of the process. 

If the issue of postal votes has been combined, a combined corresponding number list must also be used at the issue of postal votes.5  

Last updated: 19 December 2023